Unlock your future with Capitec Education Finance. Secure your education with a study loan  at a discounted fixed interest rate, with up to 84 months to pay. Discover if you qualify with a free estimate in just three easy steps, or apply online today. Unlock your potential today. T’s & C’s apply.

Unlock your potential with Capitec

Why use Capitec Education Finance?

Experience the ease of flexible payment options tailored to your budget with lower monthly instalments. Choose to apply online or in-branch—whatever suits you best. We take care of payments directly to your educational institution, allowing you to focus on your studies stress-free.

Capitec Education Finance
How does it work

How does it work?

  1. Confirm your eligibility and discover your potential funding. 
  2. If you qualify, we’ll contact you to complete your application. 
  3. Once approved, we’ll manage payment directly with Milpark Education. 
  4. Repay the credit with convenient monthly debit orders. 

How do I apply?

Email [email protected] for more information.

How do I apply