Bachelor of Commerce Majoring in Taxation

Are you eager to become a sought-after tax practitioner or deepen your knowledge of South African tax law? Enrol in Milpark Education’s Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Taxation. This degree is perfect for those pursuing careers in bookkeeping, accounting, financial planning, and tax law.

Notably, this degree is recognized by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) for FAIS Fit and Proper purposes. The BCOM Tax degree is also proudly approved and associated with the South African Institute of Taxation (SAIT).

Next Start Date

1 July 2025


3 Years

NQF Level






About the Programme

This qualification is designed for aspiring tax professionals. These sought-after skills impact both multinationals and government. As contributors to the tax system, graduates play a vital role in our country’s future and economy.

The tax landscape in South Africa has undergone significant changes over the past 10 years. Income tax has become more complex than ever before. An ever-increasing percentage of South African taxpayers resort to engaging the services of a Tax Practitioner in order to assist them in complying with the country’s tax laws.

The Tax Administration Amendment Act of 2012 played a pivotal role in professionalizing the role of Tax Practitioners. This legislation now mandates that Tax Practitioners register with recognized controlling bodies and with the South African Revenue Service (SARS). The aim is to ensure that tax practitioners possess the necessary qualifications and expertise.

Beyond Tax Practitioners, a solid grounding in taxation opens doors to careers in bookkeeping, accounting, financial planning, and tax law.

Programme Structure

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • General Management
  • Financial Reporting
  • Estate Duty and Donations Tax
  • Non-Income Taxes
  • Taxation of Corporates
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Business Research Methods 

Please refer to the factsheet for a detailed breakdown of modules by year.

Applicants require a National Senior Certificate (please take note of the applicable minimum criteria listed below).

Minimum Admission Requirements

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Candidates who matriculated in 2007 or earlier with a Senior Certificate

  • Require a minimum of 24 points on the Milpark points system.
  • Require a symbol of E or higher for Mathematics on HG, or a symbol of D or higher for Mathematics on SG.
  • Candidates who do not meet the Mathematics requirement but who have achieved a rating of 4 or higher in any two of the following subjects may be offered admission on condition that they successfully complete the bridging programme: Economics, Business Economics, Accounting, Physical Science or Physics/Chemistry, Natural Science or Biology.
  • Candidates who do not meet the 24-point admission criterion, may apply to Universities South Africa (USAF), for mature age exemption (

Candidates who matriculated in 2008 or later with a National Senior Certificate

  • Require a minimum of 50% in four NSC 20-credit subjects, including English.
  • A minimum mark of 50% for Mathematics or 70% for Mathematics Literacy.
  • Candidates who do not meet the Mathematics requirement but who have achieved a minimum mark of 50% or higher in any two of the following subjects may be offered admission on condition that they successfully complete the bridging programme: Economics, Business Economics, Accounting, Physical Science or Physics/ Chemistry, Natural Science or Biology.

Resources and Support Information


Download our factsheet for everything you need to know about our BCom (Taxation). 


Access the full textbook list to ensure you have all required materials for your studies. 

Fees and Payment Terms

Explore a detailed fees breakdown for the BCom (Taxation) to plan your career investment. 


Explore our programme schedule to effectively plan your Milpark Education journey.

Technology Requirements

Ensure you're prepared with the necessary tech requirements to optimise your online learning experience.

BCom Streams

Your BCom learning journey – navigate the path to success.

Undergraduate Prospectus

Our undergraduate prospectus offers a comprehensive guide to various programmes, helping you choose the right path.

Learning Online

Learn from anywhere with Milpark's online programmes. Access all content and assessments in our virtual learning environment, and study at your own pace with no set meeting times. You have optional live sessions and recorded classes, and lecturers on standby to assist you with all your queries in an online chat room. 


Distance Learning Online

Milpark’s instructor-led online programmes offer flexible learning, as well as access to all content, activities, and assessments in our virtual learning environment. You’ll receive milestones to ensure you are focused, and regular online engagement with lecturers to support your learning. For all modules, you can also attend live classes or watch recordings at your convenience and be part of the online community of students. 


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