Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting / CTA

Please note that the PGDA (CTA) Applications are now closed. Our July 2025 intake applications will open shortly. Please add your name to the wait list here in order to get notified when the next applications open. 

If you seek a different outcome, it's time to consider a different approach.

Discover a new way to achieve your CTA with our SAICA-accredited PGDA/CTA programme. We offer a unique approach focused on support, flexibility, and interaction to help you distinguish yourself in your career and we have two intakes each year: February and July.

This qualification is aligned with the competency framework and curriculum requirements of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). It prepares you to write SAICA’s Initial Assessment of Competence examination (IAC) as part of the process of qualifying as a Chartered Accountant CA(SA).

More information about the application process can be found on the SoPA School page.

Next Start Date

14 July 2025


1 Year

NQF Level






About the Programme

Our SAICA accredited  PGDA/CTA is designed for graduates who would like to study further at a postgraduate level with the goal of ultimately qualifying as a Chartered Accountant CA(SA).

Successful completion grants entrance to SAICA’s IAC (first board exam to qualify as a Chartered Accountant).

The PGDA/CTA is designed to: 

  • enhance students’ employability and entrepreneurial ability;
  • strengthen, deepen and synthesise students’ knowledge of accounting disciplines; and
  • prepare students for a career as proficient Chartered Accountants. 

What We Offer

  • Flexible learning that fits around your work and life. 
  • A structured weekly journey with easy-to-follow schedules.
  • Lecturers available for guidance during the day and after hours.
  • An engaging and supportive community walking the learning journey with you.
  • Choice to write assessments online or at one of our many venues across South Africa and Namibia.

Programme Structure

  • Financial Reporting
  • Taxation
  • Management Accounting & Finance
  • Corporate Governance & Auditing

To complete the PGDA/CTA, all four modules need to be passed. Furthermore, to progress to SAICA’s IAC, all four modules need to be passed in the same exam sitting.

  • A one-year programme (full workload), with the option to complete over two years (half workload).
  • If you can’t dedicate to a full workload, you have the option to complete the programme over two years on a half workload.

  • Committing to a consistent 40 hours of study each week.
  • Registering and completing all four modules in one academic period.
  • Paying for all four modules at the start of the programme, or through a payment agreement.

Year One (HWL1)

During HWL1, you register (and pay) for Management Accounting & Finance, and Corporate Governance & Auditing.  Upon successful completion of both of those modules, you progress to year two.

(If you do not pass both modules in year one, in the next year you either repeat HWL1 or may elect to register for the full workload.)

Year Two (HWL2)

During HWL2, you register for all four modules, but only pay for Financial Reporting and Taxation.  You will engage fully with Financial Reporting and Taxation during HWL2.

For Management Accounting & Finance and Corporate Governance & Auditing:

  • you’ll have access to material and support to stay up to date with them; and
  • it is recommended, but not required, that you write tests in these modules during the year.

At the end of the year, you’ll write final exams for all four modules, and you will need to pass all four modules in a single academic period to qualify for SAICA's IAC.

  • A series of bite-size videos covering all key concepts.
  • Quizzes to test your knowledge.
  • Practice questions and past tests and exams with comprehensive feedback videos.
  • Comprehensive and flexible academic and non-academic (psychosocial) support.
  • One-on-one live online consultations with lecturers.
  • Weekly live online group discussion groups for each subject.
  • Mentorship from lecturers and past students.

Applicants require an appropriate Bachelor of Commerce degree, Advanced Diploma or equivalent qualification at NQF level 7.

Minimum Admission Requirements

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The minimum admission requirement for the PGDA/CTA is a SAICA-accredited Bachelor of Commerce degree or SAICA-accredited bridging programme, with a gap from the year of completion of no greater than last three years.

For example, a student wishing to start the PGDA/CTA in February 2025 should have completed their SAICA-accredited undergraduate degree or bridging programme no later than the end of 2021.

Generally, any gaps in study longer than three years result in students struggling if they enter the PGDip (Accounting) directly, and we therefore require that such students first complete our six-month Bridging programme before advancing to the PGDip (Accounting).

Meeting the minimum admission criteria does not lead to automatic acceptance. A limited number of students are enrolled each year according to an analysis of their academic history and propensity for success (refer to the factors considered), as well as the institution’s enrolment plan and the available capacity in respect of teaching infrastructure and human resources.

Students will be selected based on a combination of the following criteria:

  • Average mark across major NQF 7 modules in the undergraduate degree – the higher the marks, the better.
  • Time taken to complete the undergraduate degree – the shorter the time taken, the better.
  • Any academic inactivity in accounting-related studies – ideally, students should have no gaps in study and they should be up to date with the latest legislation. 
  • Average mark across modules if previously attempted a PGDip (Accounting)/CTA programme – generally, having attempted a CTA before is an advantage if the average was above 36%.
  • In certain cases, admission to the PGDA/CTA may be granted through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Before applying for RPL, please review the minimum requirements here

Other / International certificates
Given the requirement for students to have completed a SAICA-accredited qualification to gain entrance to the PGDip (Accounting), it is not expected that students with foreign qualifications will be eligible for this programme.

Resources and Support Information


Download our factsheet for everything you need to know about our PGDA/CTA.  

RPL Requirements

Find out more about being admitted via the RPL route here.


Access the full textbook list to ensure you have all required materials for your studies. 

Fees and Payment Terms

Explore a detailed fees breakdown for the PGDA/CTA to plan your career investment.


Explore our course schedule to effectively plan your Milpark Education journey. 

Technology Requirements

Ensure you're prepared with the necessary tech requirements to optimise your online learning experience.

Distance Learning Online

Milpark’s instructor-led online programmes offer flexible learning, as well as access to all content, activities, and assessments in our virtual learning environment. You’ll receive milestones to ensure you are focused, and regular online engagement with lecturers to support your learning. For all PGDA/CTA modules, you can also attend live classes or watch recordings at your convenience and be part of the online community of students. 


Learn More

Watch our short video's below to learn more about we support your learning.


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